Ali TUNCAY was born on 12 September 1967, in Famagusta, Cyprus. Tuncay holds a B.A. and an M.A. in international relations from Bilkent University Ankara, Turkey. Tuncay is the Turkish Cypriot Head of the Technical Committee on Cultural Heritage (TCCH) in Cyprus since 2008. He has participated in many international conferences and made presentations and written papers on the political aspect protection of cultural heritage in Cyprus. Tuncay was also awarded with Takis Hadjidemetriou, the Greek Cypriot head of the TCCH, the 2015 European Citizen’s Prize by the European Parliament fortheir contribution to the protection of cultural heritage. Recently, the Technical Committee on Cultural Heritage has been awarded the European Heritage Award/Europa Nostra Award in the “Dedicated Service to Heritage by Organisations & Individuals” category.