TCCH implements a range of activities which provide opportunities for Greek Cypriots and Turkish Cypriots to engage in the protection and preservation of cultural heritage. This includes exchange visits and engagement throughout the implementation of the work, increasing their sense of ownership. Events bringing Greek Cypriots and Turkish Cypriots together aim to identify common ground and enhance shared responsibility for the preservation and maintenance of the selected monuments as well as and will provide opportunities for dialogue and interaction. Furthermore, small-scale activities with relevant local partners including civil society are organised, in order to exchange lessons learnt, experiences and share best practices in the protection and preservation of cultural heritage.
Moreover, through the Heritage Youth Ambassadors’ initiative, committed and inspiring young Turkish Cypriots and Greek Cypriots act as the “youth voice” of TCCH. This enables young people to gain a deeper understand of the work of TCCH, contribute to the efforts of promoting and preserving the rich and diverse cultural heritage of the island of Cyprus, while also building their capacity to become the future custodians of Cyprus’ cultural heritage. At the same time, this initiative creates a platform that brings together youth from all living in Cypus to collaborate for shared interests.