Start Date: May 2016
End Date: February 2017
Type of Intervention: Conservation works
Total Project Cost: Approx. €50,000

Karpaseia/Karpaşa Church, built in the 14th Century, is one of three Maronite religious heritage sites selected by the Technical Committee on Cultural Heritage to benefit from conservation interventions. The other two Maronite sites to benefit from similar interventions are: the Old St. George Church in Kormakitis/Koruçam and the Church of Agia Marina.
Conservation works to the church included; general deaning, replacement of metal gutters and downpipes, removal of existing plaster and repointing of stonewalls surfaces, repairing of the stone belfry, replacing of damaged stones and conservation of frescoes. A ceremony marked the completion of the project on 6 April 2017.