Start Date: April 2013
End Date: April 2014
Type of Intervention: Emergency measures
Total Project Cost: Approx. €168,000

The monastery of Panagia Melandrina in Kalograia/Bahçeli was in use up until 1940. The date of its establishment remains unknown, and of the monastic complex only the church is now preserved. More than likely, this single-aisle church was buit during the 15th Century. The rectangular structure is roofed by a barrel-shaped vault enclosed to the east by a hemispherical apse with a five-sided outer wall. The structure is supported by three buttresses in the shape of pilasters on each of the long sides. The five flying buttresses are no doubt later period additions. The belfry is also a later addition to the church.
The interventions carried out on this monument consisted of emergency support measures in order to preserve the building’s current status and to prevent it from collapsing Emergency measures induded: general dleaning, removal of debris and vegetation from the building and inside the yard, consolidation of deteriorated masoriry, control of organic growth, permanent timber structural support, consolidation of the walls and provision of a temporary roof to prevent rainwater from infiltrating the building.
A bicommunal media site visit to the church marked the completion of the project on 25 February 2015.