Start Date: February 2017
End Date: June 2018
Type of Intervention: Conservation works
Total Project Cost: Approx. €930,000

The Ravelin/Land Gate is an essential part of the walls of Famagusta and the main entry point for those arriving to the city from other parts of Cyprus. It is a massive, complex structure built into the living rock with many layers of history from the original Lusignan tower to the Venetian gate to the later changes by the Ottomans, and finally British conservation efforts. It is comprised of various levels of construction, connected by small passageways, bridges and fosses, and connected to the outside of the city across the fosse (at least on one side) by a bridge and drawbridge. Because of its importance and prominence as the main entry point into Famagusta it receives many visitors.
A’Survey, Investigations, Assessment and Project Design study’was carried out between April 2014 and January 2015. The condition assessment report describes the Ravelin/Land Gate as ‘structurally solid but not sound. The conservation project has therefore focused on two main components: the conservation of the monument and the improvement of its functional spaces. In particular, improvement works to structural elements have been carried out (e.g. grouting fissures, replacement of stones, stitching of cracks and drainage). Conservation works also indude replacement of the faling concrete cap over the chimney, vegetation removal and cleaning. The usability of the space has also been improved. Paved surfaces have been adapted to ensure access for persons with disabilities and include electrical conduit, visitor safety and didactic features.
More than 400 people, Greek Cypriots and Turkish Cypriots, attended the completion ceremony on 19 June 2018. Elizabeth Spehar, Special Representative of the UN Secretary-General (SRSG) and Head of the United Nations Peacekeeping Force in Cyprus (UNFICYP), lerotheos Papadopoulos, Head of EC Representation in Cyprus and 11 EU Heads of Mission also joined the ceremony.